What is Power Query ?

What is Power Query ?

Table of Contents What is Power Query ? Power query is a combination of various features of Excel and VBA. It has user friendly interface to perform the day to day functions.  It can not only perform VLOOKUP of Excel but also automate the same by generating a code, on its own, in ‘M’ language….

What is Merge Query ?

What is Merge Query ?

Table of Contents What is Merge Query ? Merge query is a feature of power query which helps us to get data from multiple files based on one or multiple common columns. Merge query works in similar fashion as VLOOKUP in excel but we can do a lot more using this feature. VLOOKUP in excel means Vertical lookup….

Merge Query – Right Anti

Merge Query – Right Anti

Table of Contents Example “Code” column is missing in table 1. “Country” and “Parts” are common columns in both the tables.  Some of the countries and parts do not have code in Table 2 (India-Item1, UAE-Item2)  Some of the countries and parts have code in Table 2 but do not have quantity in Table 1…

Merge Query – Inner Join

Merge Query – Inner Join

Table of Contents Example “Code” column is missing in table 1. “Country” and “Parts” are common columns in both the tables.  Some of the countries and parts do not have code in Table 2 (India-Item1, UAE-Item2)  Some of the countries and parts have code in Table 2 but do not have quantity in Table 1…

How to Add Power Query to Excel 2013?

How to Add Power Query to Excel 2013?

Table of Contents Download & Install Microsoft Power Query Check the Excel version – Is it 32 bit or 64 bit? Go to  File Menu –> Account –> About Excel (visible in the End on first row)  Click on the link to download Microsoft Power Query http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=39379 Click on the Download button Select the 32…